How The Goose Doctors Will Help You Take Back Your Turf

Turf treated with our service under normal light

Turf treated with our service under ultraviolet light
Our service is:
• A spray applied on turf where geese feed
• Odorless
• Waterproof
• Eco-friendly
• Pet and family-friendly
• Aquatic friendly (vegetation & aquatic life)
• Persistent (works 24/7)

Heading The Threat with Consequence
Geese feed on treated turf and experience a harmless, but effective intestinal reaction.
Geese also can see the compound in the ultraviolet spectrum of light (which people can not see).
Geese become conditioned to avoid treated areas and find new feeding sites away from your treated turf. The visual warning along with the mild intestinal reaction equals a threat with consequences.
Requires 6 to 7 treatments per year depending on your geographic area.
Frequently Asked Questions
About Our Services
You might have some questions, and we're here to help! Below are some questions that we often get. If you have your own question, please let us know by giving us a call or filling out the form on the Contact Us Page!

Q. How does your Goose Repellent Work?
A. We offer the geese a threat with a consequence and cause a learned behavior modification. First, when the geese eat the treated grass and have digested it, they experience a powerful intestinal tract upset, "the consequence". It would be a similar feeling as we would have after eating a bad meal - indigestion or heartburn sensation. We know what we ate to make us feel sick, and avoid eating the same meal again. The digestive irritation is only temporary for the geese. Second is the visual threat – as they fly overhead they see their food source in the UV spectrum of light and the active ingredient absorbs UV light. Therefore, their food source looks different. It sometimes takes up to 2 or 3 days to associate the visual threat with the gut reaction consequence.
Q. Will it harm my children or my pets?
A. No. It is not harmful to non-target species. It is not even harmful to the geese, but applied correctly, will move them off your critical areas. Geese droppings, if eaten by your pets, may cause them to be sick as they have bacteria in them.
Q. I want to get rid of my geese but I have ducks and swans that I want to keep. What will happen to the ducks and swans?
A. Your ducks and swans are not affected by our services because they are not turf feeders. Our application only works on birds that eat grass specifically, like Canada Geese.
Q. My neighbor feeds geese and they feed on my lawn and make a mess. If I use this product, will they move off my lawn?
A. You can keep them from feeding on your lawn, but as long as your neighbor is feeding them, they may still walk across your lawn or even loaf there while creating their little goose droppings as they wait or walk to get to where your neighbor is feeding them. Please encourage your neighbors to stop hand-feeding the geese. It is harmful to the geese and can cause wing deformities that prevent them from flying.
Q. How often do I have to apply will I need an application?
Before the migratory geese come through (reason – because if a migratory flock sees resident geese feeding, they will swoop down and feed too because they know they are safe).
When the grass is dormant because when the product is on the blades of grass, it is insoluble in water which means if it rains, snows or you irrigate, it will not wash off. Therefore, you will have Flight Control® Plus on the grass blades through the dormant season, and does not need to be applied until the grass begins to grow again.
Before they pair up and nest (usually late Feb. or early Mar.). Once they pair up and nest on a site, they are there until the goslings are hatched and able to be taught to fly – usually mid-July. During this period, the adults lose their flight feathers and will not abandon their nests. They have to feed during this period, so we can apply our product like a biological fence to move the geese to an area where they can feed and be tolerated until the young are able to fly. Once flying, you can apply to the entire area where they feed to move them off entirely.
An application will last through 2 to 3 mowing cycles, sometimes more depending on seasonality and rate of grass growth. However, our product is very compatible with Plant Growth Regulators (PGRs) to slow the growth of grass and will remain on the turf until the PGR loses its strength (usually will slow growth rate for 3 mos).
Q. This product sounds dangerous. Should I be worried?
A. When properly applied, our product poses no threat to you, children, pets and wildlife, or water sources. This product is an EPA-approved product. The EPA performs extensive studies on many types of products and wouldn't approve the use of a product that was dangerous to people, pets or the environment. The real worry is the bacteria and parasites found in goose feces.