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How The Goose Doctors Will Help You Take Back Your Turf
Turf treated with our service under normal light
Turf treated with our service under ultraviolet light
Our service is:
• A spray applied on turf where geese feed
• Odorless
• Waterproof
• Eco-friendly
• Pet and family-friendly
• Aquatic friendly (vegetation & aquatic life)
• Persistent (works 24/7)
Heading The Threat with Consequence
Geese feed on treated turf and experience a harmless, but effective intestinal reaction.
Geese also can see the compound in the ultraviolet spectrum of light (which people can not see).
Geese become conditioned to avoid treated areas and find new feeding sites away from your treated turf. The visual warning along with the mild intestinal reaction equals a threat with consequences.
Requires 6 to 7 treatments per year depending on your geographic area.
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